Wednesday, September 1, 2010

To blog or not to blog. . .

As I embark on my last semester of undergraduate education at the University of Texas Pan-American, I find an interesting challenge ahead of me. That challenge being, to blog. Actually it is not a challenge per say, but rather a requirement for my Biological Writing course. What an interesting concept for us students to embrace as we surge ahead in this course. I'm actually looking forward to engaging my thoughts and putting them out there in cyberspace for all the world and my mom to read. Well maybe just the world. I won't tell my mother about my blog. I fear of the educator in her will attempt correct my prose at every line and sentence. But I digress. . .

The first day of my Biological Writing course was not only interesting because of the blogging we are going to be doing, but because of my professor was a really engaging. I don't say that to score points because I know he will be reading this blog. I say that because I find that instructors with entertaining delivery, and that have passion for their discipline, tend to really peak their student's attention. Or at least this student.

I had thought about blogging before, but never fully delved into the idea of it. I thought to myself "What do I blog about?" Well the rubric for blogging in my Biological Writing course seemed to finally answer that question for me. That being, to blog about whatever is on my mind. Hence the title of my blog Daydreamt In Cyberspace. This blog will really just be a random collection of musings, usually science themed in nature, brought on by my thoughts and daydreaming. Perhaps it will develop into something more at a later date, we shall see.

So to answer the question posed in my title, I choose "to blog". Really it's not a question at all since blogging is a component to my grade for the course, but I like to be a little shakespearin at given times. I do look to gain a learning objective from this blogging. What that objective is at this point, I'm not sure, but in 15 weeks or so I think I'll know.

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