Sunday, September 19, 2010

Football Semester

I find it quite sad sometimes that I can let a "game" really take control of my emotions. Case in point, last Sunday my favorite team, The Dallas Cowboys lost in embarrassing fashion. After the game I found it very difficult to study for a lab quiz I had the next day. My mind was still on that #%*&ing game! Well, I decided to take a shot of nyquil and head to bed. I woke up early the next morning and didn't turn on my computer or t.v., so that my attention could be on studying. I spent the morning studying and ended up doing well on my quiz. I just really dislike that I have to try extremely hard to separate myself from my emotion as a football fan, as an armchair quarterback so to speak. It is a REAL struggle, but one in which I am happy to say that has never gotten the best of me. I find spring college semesters a bit more laid back for me. However, during fall semesters, I end up having to schedule my studying around my football viewing pleasure on the weekends. Sad to say.

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