Thursday, September 16, 2010

Donkeys and Elephants

American politics can be quite an interesting soap opera. It makes for some engaging television, much like some of my favorite shows of recent past (Lost, Sopranos, etc.). However with the politics in this country, we don't have to wait a whole week to catch the next episode. We have a two party system that vies for the presidency, senate and house, that I liken to a cult. Why? Well think about it. I find it impossibly difficult to understand how one party can encompass every passionate thought and opinion of thousands of individuals. I constantly find my friends, who define themselves as democrats or republicans, contradicting themselves when they have thoughts and opinions opposite to that of the party they support. And when I point out said contradiction, they jump around the issue, much like politicians. I find it quite amusing when they do so. Furthermore, I also find it entertaining when I see politicians engaging in political "poo-flinging" through television and interviews. Why can't we just have more debates in the television realm. Sit Glenn Beck and Keith Olberman in a room(two political commentators that are extreme right and left) and have them duke it out, rather than take jabs at each other through their respective programs.

But I myself an independent voter. I don't like the idea of blindly following the ideology of one party, defending everything they do. Because these two parties are not perfect as we have seen with the current administration and the previous one as well. Yet you see politicians, media types, and followers defending every bad decision (going to war in Iraq, or passing multiple preposterous spending bills in the middle of a recession). Its not registered democrats and republicans who's votes matter, because they will always vote one way. Its the third group that matters, the independent thinkers like me. That would be epic television.

But I do believe this two party system has been vital for our success as a country. As a country we tend to not stray to far to the left, nor to far to the right. In essence it is a system of checks and balances and one in which I like and am comfortable with as an American. I love that we have social programs to help those in need, I love what capitalism has given our country. I think the balance we have struck between these two ideologies has given us fortitude to succeed as a country.

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