Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I clearly remember the summer of 2004, when ABC started showing adds for a new series titled LOST. I was instantly intrigued and subsequently captivated by the pilot episode. Up until Spring 2010, I had watched every episode at least twice and had purchased the seasons on DVD. When the first episode of the final season, season 6 premiered I was so excited. Finally, all of my questions, all of every LOST fans questions would be answered.

First we had flashbacks, then flash forwards, and now flash sideways. I was sure that Jack and company would find a way to merge the time lines and everyone would escape the island. All of those that had perished(Locke, Boone, Sharon, Charlie, Ecko, Ana Lusia, Micheal, Sayid, Juliet, Sun, Jin ) would be safe as well in the new time line, the flash sideways, but such was not the case.

HOEVER, I was sorely disappointed by the finale. Furthermore, none of my questions were answered. What the #$%@ was the light? The island? Why did it time travel? Why did Jacob choose them? Any many, many more questions. Basically Jack went back to the island to save the ones they left behind, and even more people died, including himself. The end. The only extra LOST person they saved and got off the island was Sawyer. So every one died for the greater good of Sawyer living. Desmond was once again separated from Penny, Hurley was stuck on the island, Jack died, Sun died, Jin died, Sayid died...Grrrr. It just upsets me. I know, I'm rambling now.

After the series ended, I did not field any calls from my fellow LOST friends. I had to let my frustration subside and take it all in. But when I woke up the next morning, I was still pissed. And even now, months later, I still have a sense of resentment from the show I loved. I think there were a number of things the writers could of done to give us some semblance of a proper ending after six years of devotion. Furthermore, mid way through the series, the writers of LOST stated the show had absolutely nothing to do with "purgatory". I honestly think the writers just got lazy with the story and decided "hey, that purgatory theory that some fans had come up with doesn't seem half bad. Lets go with it."I know not all stories can have a happy ending, but I was never a fan of stories that are similar to Greek and Shakespearean tragedies. There is so much more frustration and details I could get into, but I am getting tired just thinking of it.

I wish I could just ignore the travesty of season 6, much like I ignored The Matrix Revolutions(another Fail in my opinion), but I just can't. I guess I can be happy that they all made it to Heaven together. I still love the series, but to me, season 6 was most definitely a FAIL....

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