Monday, October 18, 2010

A virus is NOT bacteria!

Over the last few years I've grown increasing frustrated with the statement in my title. When I first learned the difference between viruses and bacteria some years back, I didn't think much of it. However the medical implication resulting from difference between viruses and bacteria is one that cannot be stressed enough. Make no mistake friends, this is a war our human race is engaged in because people don't understand the difference between the two.

Many times, especially in my area down here in South Texas, people will catch the common cold, get a sore throat or a cough, and immediately want antibiotics for it. Those people usually have a stash of antibiotics from trips to Mexico, where oral antibiotics are routinely sold over the counter. The problem is, these people don't have a bacterial infection, they have a viral infection! Furthermore, many folks will just go to their local doctor and want antibiotics. For some reason, even doctors will give them prescriptions for antibiotics (one doctor told me he just got tired of hearing people complain when he doesn't give them an antibiotic prescription). Granted, sometimes people have bacterial throat infections, but those can be distinguished from viral infections through culturing, or even visible evidence of those "white spots" that are at the back of your throat.

Why is this important? Well every time we take antibiotics when we don't need them, when we are giving bacteria a means to grow resistant too them. We have already been seeing that in the clinical setting, with even our strongest antibiotics. One example is the MRSA resistance that is growing.

I would really love to see our nation have a widespread campaign like those tobacco Truth campaigns, to educate the public on the growing bacterial resistance that has resulted from misuse of antibiotics. As I said earlier, its like we are in a war, and the bacteria are winning...


  1. Loquat is for cough and lung in Chinese medicine. Sometimes i would take the Ninjiom Pei Pa Koa which is an extract of loquat when got sore throat.

    You can access info online @

  2. Thanks Katherine, I'll check it out.
